The Gospel Coalition has an official regional chapter in Michigan. TGC Michigan facilitates a fellowship of evangelical church leaders who are deeply committed to the power of the gospel and to be an encouragement to those shepherding the people of God in our region to move towards greater participation in God’s mission.
Our prayer is that this effort will culminate in a diverse, unified, Christ-exalting people as persons from “every tribe and language and people and nation” worship our Triune God and declare the infinite worth of His glory. This chapter provides a place where you can find like-minded believers who share the beliefs outlined in our Foundation Documents.
Quarterly Meetings
Chapter members gather together quarterly to promote fellowship and pastoral connectivity, spurring one another on as those who fill the pulpits at gospel-centered and Reformation-minded churches in our area.
Through these meetings we hope to accomplish a number of things:
- Overt relationships and partnerships between churches
- Prayer for each other, our ministries, and our cities
- Burden bearing and advice getting
- Discussion of theology and ministry philosophy
- Networking for shepherding members in transition between churches
- Possible partnerships for ministry and mission
If you are interested in our chapter meetings, please email: [email protected].